DayStarter - "ignition" for the day ...

My 50(!!) years deejay experience and knowledge about music give me right to present you my newest idea. Check special FB profile by old pioneer disco deejay - profile dedicated to the best(!) recordings of music history - CLICK AND JOIN ...

Oto nowa idea starego deejaya 
Niemal(!!) każdego dnia rano zaprezentuję wam fajną muzę / video - na „uruchomienie” / wprawienie w dobry humor. Z taką nadzieją zabieram się do działania ...


Here is the new idea of the old deejay 
Almost(!!) every day in the morning I will present you a cool music / video - for "start" / kind of ignition / put in a good mood. With such hope I get to action ...

click on the link below to check:


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